
historia de dos amantes

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The phenomenon of moon in the water is likened to human experience.

The water is the subject, and the moon the object.

When there is no water, there is no moon in the water.

And likewise when there is no moon.

But when the moon rises, the water does not wait to receive it's image,

and when even the tiniest drop of water is poured out,

the moon does not wait to cast its reflection.

Does not wait to cast it's reflection

The past is already past.

The future is not yet here.

Things are constantly changing.

For the moon does not intend to cast its reflection,

and the water does not receive its image on purpose.

The event is caused as much by the water as by the moon,

and as the water manifests the brightness of the moon,

the moon manisfests the clarity of the water

´P.D. el estado de cándido no permite más uso de la palabra. Por este motivo, la música trata de desarrollar su papel... espero disfruten esta pieza...
The past is already past..

The future is not yet here..

Things are constantly changing..

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Q paso candido q no podes usar la palabra???mucho trabajo?jajajaj me da un poquito de miedo la voz de la chica q canta pero esta bueno :)Soy Rochy (lo pongo porq le mande anonimo debido a q no tengo cuenta de google)

Anónimo dijo...

waaaauuuuuu!!! te pasas candido!! eres filosofo?

Cándido supo ser.. dijo...

todos somos filósofos, solo que nadie tiene tiempo de ponerse a pensar las verdaderas cosas...